How will Trump’s Toxic Patriarchy Affect Mothers and Daughters?On November 5, 2024, when America elected Donald Trump to be president again, I was in Florida presenting at the American Association for…Feb 201Feb 201
#My Ideas Too — How to Steal a Woman’s Ideas and Get Away With it!Years ago, when my Mother-Daughter Attachment® Model came into existence through my work with thousands of mothers and daughters from…Aug 10, 2024Aug 10, 2024
Mother’s Day Question — Who Takes Care of Mom?Mother’s Day is a Hallmark tradition in which mothers are honored and revered, but underneath the cards and flowers lies a rarely talked…Feb 29, 2024Feb 29, 2024
Open Letter to Mental Health Professionals, Life Coaches, and their Training OrganizationsPart 1: Essential Mother-Daughter Attachment Training is MissingFeb 28, 20241Feb 28, 20241
Understanding Conflict between Mothers and Teen DaughtersMothers with pre-teen daughters tell me that they are afraid of the time when their daughter will become a teenager. They are afraid that…Dec 10, 20231Dec 10, 20231
No Mother, You Can’t!Mother-daughter conflict is today’s canary-in-the-coalmine, and as I wrote in my 4-part blog for Medium on today’s estrangement trend…Sep 17, 2023Sep 17, 2023
Part 4: Mother-Daughter Estrangement Trend Explained!This is the last blog of a four-part series on “Why are so many mothers and daughters estranged today?”. In this blog I outline the…Jul 31, 20234Jul 31, 20234
Part 3: Is Therapy Colluding With or Causing Mother-Daughter Estrangement?This is part three of a four-part blog series on “Why are so many mothers and daughters estranged today?”. In this blog series, I shine a…Jul 26, 2023Jul 26, 2023
Part 2: Do Terms Like ‘Mother Wound’ Explain or Mother Blame?This is part two of a four-part blog series on “Why are so many mothers and daughters estranged today?”. In this blog series, I shine a…Jul 20, 20232Jul 20, 20232
Part 1: Why Are So Many Mothers and Daughters Estranged Today?Today, there is an alarming increase of young adult daughters cutting off contact from their mothers, and we need to find out why they are…Jul 18, 20234Jul 18, 20234